Save the City! Save yourself!

DevilsGame APpOCALYPSE has launched! The war for the world begins on your phone...
The thrill of DevilsGame is finally available in a fully immersive augmented reality experience!

APpOCALYPSE is a smartphone app that brings the war with the Other to the streets of your city, as you join with other players to defeat the enemy at real-world landmarks.
Travel to find hubs where the Other is breaching into our world, and strike back with the help of fellow combatants who have also downloaded the app on their phones. If six players come together, they form a Maximum Destruction Zone that scores extra points towards defeating the Other. Cooperate, collaborate, annihilate, and overcome!
Together with your fellow players, you can join the war like never before and win big for humanity.
Mall of America Bloomington, Minnesota -
Bartman statue New York, New York -
Space Needle Seattle, Washington
...and become a HIGH-SCORING PLAYER!